"You're born with intelligence, you can't earn it." Write your opinion about this statement. Do you agree or disagree?



  1. It is true that we are born with the ability to speak and learn from the environment in which we find ourselves, what is done at school is to promote the development of this capacity.

  2. I disagree with the statement because I think that the intelligence is a process that you can improve with the time. Also, many studies have shown that there are different types of intelligence and for this reason I think that you can learn the intelligence. For example, the emotional intelligence is something that people have or improve when socializes with other people it is not something innate. Other concept that is important is multiple intelligences, I think that if in the school or in the university the teachers think in this, many people would not be feeling that they are useless. So, the intelligence is a process that we have in the brain but the opportunities in our life generate different types of it. In addition, the age and the context are other things that are important, the characteristics of our parents too beacuse they are the first opportunity to learn.

  3. I disagree whit that, because the intelligence depend of different factors as nutrition, heritage, learning and connection between neurons and it's imposible say that the intelligence human doesn't change because all the time we are learning many things at the same time, the brain is similar to a muscle, you have to do exercise to develop, if you don't do exercise the muscle would be more little and doesn't work well.
    You can learn as a lot as possible as you want and it depend of many factors like motivation, habilities and capacities and hard work, you can transform your brain with habits and you can be more intelligent if you train your brain. In the world are many types of intelligence and you can improve all skills that you want, you only have to try new things, read more, do exercise, learn something new, do meditation, share with others and enjoy all.

  4. I disagree with that, because the intelligence depend of different factors as nutrition, heritage, learning and connection between neurons and it's imposible say that the intelligence human doesn't change because all the time we are learning many things at the same time, the brain is similar to a muscle, you have to do exercise to develop, if you don't do exercise the muscle would be more little and doesn't work well.
    You can learn as a lot as possible as you want and it depend of many factors like motivation, habilities and capacities and hard work, you can transform your brain with habits and you can be more intelligent if you train your brain. In the world are many types of intelligence and you can improve all skills that you want, you only have to try new things, read more, do exercise, learn something new, do meditation, share with others and enjoy all.

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  6. I disagree with this because other cognitive processes are involved in intelligence development in addition to the potential inherent in the genetic material. Intelligence development appeared since we were in a fetal state and pregnancy care and baby stimulation have a lot to do with it. Also, the early years of life are when we have our brains' greater plasticity. These years are crucial to acquire tools for a better world’s comprehension. However, it isn’t only that the child has a lot of stimulation with books, music, or cards. Nutrition, a healthy environment, and good care are maybe even more important than all the above. After that, practice, perseverance, and discipline can help us develop new ways of understanding the world.

  7. It is true that we are born with the ability to speak and learn from the environment in which we find ourselves, what is done at school is to promote the development of this capacity. It may be thought that we are not born intelligent because that is why we enter schools from an early age with the idea of learning, I believe that we have various types of intelligences what is done is to promote which is the one that we use best to develop it when we are adults and with her work.
    Intelligence can be developed. It is true that it has a genetic component, but environmental conditions and life experiences also influence. Therefore, an enriching environment, which continually poses new challenges and where the child has to make an effort to learn new things, will enhance his intelligence.

  8. i guess thats wrong becouse as long as you work hard, you can get to improve in every single activity you want. I also think that if you trust in yourself you can do whatever you want becouse your brain and thoughs works so awsome if you know how to use them.

  9. In my opinion I’m completely disagree because I consider that everyone born with intelligence, some have it more than others that's right. but anyway, people could strengthen their skills. Also, not all people have the same intelligences, because while someone could understand about chemistry and not about mathematics, another one could understand about mathematics and not about chemistry. Each person can demonstrate their intelligence in different ways. But sometimes it depends on the parents’ education, if the parents don’t encourage their sons or daughters to study, they will never be interested in learning and their intelligence could be lower than people with the same age. One think is certain and it is that with passage of time we meet people, and when we meet people, we can learn with them or through them, because people have experiences, and when we interact with them, we can face life in a way that we didn’t know, and that’s thanks we can learn each day about everything.

  10. i'm totally in disagree because in our life we can learn whatever thing that we want and i know that exits people who can to have a better and more faster process but everyone has the opportunity to learn

  11. intelligence would be present in many fields, people can have more intelligence in a specific area more than others theintelligence would be present in many fields, people can have more intelligence in a specific area more than others therefore, a definitive definition could not be pigeonholed and each one has developed better in their field of action
    refore, a definitive definition could not be pigeonholed and each one has developed better in their field of action

  12. I disagree with that statement. There are multiple types of intelligence, not just one. People are born with skills, but it's possible to increase them and acquire new ones with effort and study. Some people say the geniuses aren't born, they are made. My position is some place between this two statements.

  13. I think the intelligence is different factors in multiple areas, like many types, and isn't always the same things, because that's depends on your skills, and your abilities to do multiple tasks or one specifically

  14. I'm not agree because everyone is intelligent, the only difference is the way to expressing it changes. And it's the same with the abilities because everyone has differents abilities but, we can learn and improve and get skills.

    Other fact is the time because some people take more time in the process of cerebral development and we can use as example Albert Einstein because when he was a child his family said that he was a retard and he didn't learn how to talk when he was 3 and we can look that Einstein was everything but retarded never.

  15. I do not agree with that, because it is true that there are people who have the ability to retain more information and the ability or talent to learn things faster than other people, but it does not mean that they are intelligent because if you do not try to learn things. So, in my opinion, intelligence is a talent that not all of us have, it is an ability to assimilate and understand, learn

  16. I´m disagree because when you born you don´t know nothing and when you growing up you will know if you are good for something and in that moment you will star to improve that talent. You weren´t born with intelligence, you descover your talent and develop it.

  17. Intelligence is a process, and everything depends on where and how you are born, because stimulation is different all over the world, so a child who is not stimulated since childhood tends to be less curious.

  18. I totally disagree, since we born with the ability to learn, we inherit this, we cannot born knowing things that we have not seen or things that we have not touched or felt, our brain is not on the appropriate development to learn, We learn to learn while we grow, since our brain needs to have clear information about something that has already been in contact with it, for example memories, we dont born having memories because we simply have not gone through them, and we dont born knowing how do an addition or a subtraction, because we simply have not been taught it, intelligence develops depending on how we grow, our knowledge, our learning and also what our parents inherit us, in certain cases there are people more intelligent than others , but this is because these people did have more education or the ability to grasp and learn in an easier way, that is where that great difference arises between knowing when being born and growing up knowing, we do not know when born because we have not seen what is necessary and we dont born intelligent because we have not seen things to be intelligent, on the other hand we become intelligent because our brain is filled with information that is progressive in our growth.


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