The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí 

Look at the painting above and write two paragraphs analyzing:

  • What you think the artist is trying to convey.
  • How it makes you feel.


  1. 1. The artist is trying to transmit the way in which time advances without stopping, that's why the clocks are melting, and it is also understood that people's memories are fading to a point where they look distant or strange.

    2.This painting makes me feel, or think, that I should value every moment I go through, since none of them will be repeated.
    Also that life is only an instant.

    BY: Juan Andrés López Muñóz.

  2. 1. To start I think the artist is trying to express how the time can be so ephemeral, it might be the time is not so important or might be with the time all the things come to the end, also the picture look like the time as well is going to ending one day. The clocks look very strange or olders, so it's because the time is coming over.

    2. For me, this picture make me feel worried about the future, Seeing the clocks and feeling the time is over or not is enough to do the things that I want to do. All the things are going to finish one day also the memories.

  3. 1. In my opinión the artist is trying to express how time pass and how it can be disturb, it also tries to represent our dreams
    2. The painting makes me feel like some times I waste too much time in Things that are not worthy

  4. I think the artist is try to showing the waste of the time. also is showing how you lose your life in things that don't deserve care. those things could be a person or situation and when you see that is too late you can't make anything for get it bak your time or your life.

    I like this painting because it's remind me I shouldn't waste my life. if I not feel comftable and safe in on place or with someone I have to change everything and continue with my life.

  5. At first I did not know how to explain it but in my opinion, it is a way in which the author wants us to show us that we stop wasting our time, it could be a way of making us understand that we are lending to other things and letting time go by.

    I cannot find the relationship between the landscape and the clocks but without a doubt they are making us realize that we have to make better use of our time to do many necessary things

  6. For me, what the artist means is that, the time doesn´t mean anything if you dont make it worth it. What I see is a kind of place of time and space, and two differents perspectives. The first, is showing us a dark place or sort of, where we can see some kind of wasted clocks not working anymore, which means for me that it doesn´t matter how much time you have or regarding the live, maybe how many opportunities you have, eventually everything is over.
    With the second perspective there is a notory brighty landscape, which for me means, the good things in the live. So, in conclusion the pourpuse of this art is not pay attention in how much time we have or not, but try to enjoy every single moment, no matter how long it lasts.
    That your time worth it.

  7. I consider art any piece that can express or comunicate an idea, thought or emotion. It could be a painting, an sculpture, a poem, a melody. In my opinion art is the way people use to express their creativity and their talent. I think art is not for everybody and some times i do not understand many important paintings or paintors, but the main idea is transmit an emotion and touch the observer in some way. Also, there are many pieces of art i really enjoy, beethoven's plays, Miguel Angel's paintings, etc. Those pieces of art touch me in so many ways and make me feel connected or impressed.

  8. I'm not the best person for this, I have no skills but I think it's a beautiful way to represent my dreams, desires, inspirations and feelings through something in a form.

  9. 1. The artist seeks to convey the transience of time and the idea that all things come to an end eventually. The clocks in the image look old or strange, which may suggest that time is nearing its end.

    2. This photograph evokes in me a sense of unease about the future. When I see the clocks, I feel that time is running out or that it is not enough to do the things I want to do. Everything, even memories, will come to an end at some point.


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