Resultado de imagen para PUNCTUATION WITH CONNECTORSResultado de imagen para PUNCTUATION WITH CONNECTORS

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  1. My learning style according to the test is tactile, I agree in some aspects, but not others. Next, I'm going to start explaining why:
    I agree because I think that for me is easier to learn by doing, indeed I like to take things apart and put things together. Furthermore, when I become bored, consequently I tend to move. However, although I am very gestures, I don't appreciate physically expressed forms of encouragement, I don't like it!
    Likewise, I like to participate in activities that involve, building, or drawing, like art projects, indeed I had liked to study architecture or design.
    In addition, I consider me a very well-coordinated person, because I have a very good pulse and precision.
    Nevertheless, currently, I haven't good athletic ability, but when I was child, I used to practice swimming.
    In conclusion, I consider hands-on training necessary to learn.

    -Laura O

  2. My learning style according to the test I am visual learner but it was close to auditory too. Therefore I should be a genius in disguise. But now being serious, I agree with the evaluation, one of them is because the questions seem reasonable and accurate however I think it should add more learning types.

  3. I agree with the results of the test because I am a very auditory person, I really like talking with others, I communicate very easily with new people and it´s true that I must read things to understand and remember what I learn. However, I thought that I could be a more visual person, because I really like to see images and I am always guided by what I see on the street, or what I see in other people, for me first impressions are very important. But, I suppose that not only the personality matters, but also the way of learning. I really liked this test, because so I can have some ideas on how to study, and how to memorize all the new knowledge easier. Therefore, it´s a great strategy that all schools should have, since in this way we can all learn a lot but in the way that seems easier to each one.
    Maria Camila Moreno.

  4. My learn style is different in each occasion, because I like differents ways, I like when the people talk I try undestand but i dont like the audios when I have guess. Furthermore, when is interactive things. Indeed, i like quick questions and talk improvising.

  5. According to the test, how is your learning style? I am an auditory learner. I agree with some points that define my style. However, I had two very similar scores.
    Auditory: 40% and
    Visual: 35%, so I think it's a technical tie, but even though the highest score was for auditory style, I honestly identify more with a visual learner, because it's easier for me to learn or remember things if I have pictures. that complement my learning. However, many points of the listening mode define my learning style, for example, I understand and remember things that I have heard.
    On the other hand, in the visual style, a point that defines me very well is:
    "Normally you close your eyes to visualize or remember something." And I am like this, when I want to remember something specific, I close my eyes and I can see exactly the place or the page where something is. However, I can say that sometimes we find it difficult to be in only one learning style because we have many ways of learning. Meanwhile, the recommendations given for each style help a lot to improve our way of learning.

  6. My learning style according to the test is visual, and the truth is that I mostly agree because it is true, almost everything I learn is by seeing how it is done, how it is structured than by listening only to instructions or how it is should do. So in that part if I agree, although obviously there are exceptions, I also learn some things by listening, for example correctly pronouncing a new word or a name that is very common to find in our day to day in everything we do.

    In general I obtained a result of 50% visual, 35% auditory and 15% tactile and as far as I am concerned the percentage of visual could increase a little more and tactile decrease, since what I get to learn in a tactile way is very little to visual or auditory comparison, so I think it should be like that, but it is still an acceptable result.

    I will take into account the advice that to some extent could help me in the future to improve my learning method and get more out of it when necessary.

  7. My learning style is according to the activities of the class, in general depends of de activities that the teacher teach, I rahter for example in listening, listen to real person speak, that an audio or video, in grammar is better for mi activites where I should write in a sheet, in speaking, a random activitie improvised about do or create a conversation of a random topic

    However, for me is more easy understand a activities with interacticons with other people or when had a competition, desire did the best possible

    If have a good activitie of a topic, I would understand easier

  8. Many times I asked myself what is the perfect way to study for my exams? or how can I learn new things quickly?Therefore, this test was a salvation for me.According to the result, my learning style is mostly auditory,that is to say I learn by hearing and listening,for this reason it is more probable that I understand and remember things I have heard.Actually, I agree owing to I store information by the way it sounds, and I have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones, even I often learn by reading out loud because I have to hear it or speak it in order to know it or remember.Furthermore I was surprised due to the fact that the test described some common actitudes like that I hum or talk constantly to myself or others if I become bored. Also, sometimes people may think I am not paying attention, but, I am hearing and understanding everything being said, although,sometimes it is also possible that I get lost in my thoughts.In general I obtained a result of 45% auditory, 30% visual and 25% tactile and as far as I am concerned the percentage of visual could increase a little more and tactile decrease, since what I get to learn in a tactile way is very little to visual or auditory comparison, so I think it should be like that, but it is still a partially correct result.On the whole, I will take into account the advice that to some extent could help me in the future to improve my study method and get more out of it when necessary.

  9. According to the test results, my learning style is Visual: 60%, Auditory: 20%, and Tactile: 20%. In a way, I agree with this type of result, since I am a person who first likes to receive information and learn it visually, whether images or objects related to them because an image can express many ideas for me. On the other hand, to reinforce my ability to learn visually, I use my auditory and tactile parts only to reinforce this new knowledge or learning that I have already assimilated visually. Therefore, these 2 are a reinforcer that I use to learn. In conclusion, the test matched my learning style, being visual for the most part and to a lesser extent reinforcing my learning with tactile and auditory learning.

  10. Based on the test results, my predominant learning style is Visual, comprising 60% of my learning preference. This resonates well with how I typically absorb information—I find images and visual representations particularly effective in conveying ideas and concepts. Visual stimuli help me grasp and retain information more readily, as they can encapsulate complex ideas succinctly.

    While Visual learning is my primary mode, I also acknowledge the importance of reinforcing my understanding through Auditory and Tactile means. I utilize these secondary learning styles to consolidate and deepen my comprehension of material that I have initially grasped visually. Auditory cues, such as discussions or explanations, and Tactile interactions, such as hands-on activities, serve as valuable supplements to my visual learning.

    In summary, the test results accurately reflect my learning style, which prioritizes Visual learning while incorporating Auditory and Tactile approaches to reinforce and enhance my understanding. This balanced approach allows me to engage with and internalize information effectively across different modalities.

  11. About the results of the quiz or test of my form for study and learn so the result the im prefer learn tactile because i like see interact with the activities, objets, my around or take objects and analize those things, like resolving puzles, write some things or expressing in other words. In the time a resolving or completing an activity i like moving or take breats because i like moving no stay quiet or sit all day is very boring and make stress and anxiety in my mind and body so then i like more walk around the site, park, in a house or other places. This is the reason for a like more tactile activities in the class or in my house , aniway, in opinión about all this is its okay to be like this a active person and hiperactive I´m used to doing these habits or customs when learning.


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