Who do you think must receive international aid?

 * Write your answer in the comments.


  1. I think that a country, before receiving money and aid for works, constructions, and campaigns, must first receive money for its poorest peoples, they must receive aid to curb the hunger and thirst that exist in many parts of the world. Unfortunately we live in a world where the rich receive more money, and the poor lose more and more resources.

  2. I believe that every person, town, city that needs help should receive it. It cannot be something exclusively for poor populations, nor catastrophes, there are still people who live in developed countries but have many needs and problems. We should fight harder for everyone and we should do more.That fight is not only of the governments or of the entities. We have to be more empathetic and humane.

  3. International aid is almost useless in the long term in areas such as food and culture, but I think the key is the restructuring of education in underdeveloped countries, offering higher quality in this, of course it is possible a better quality of life, but generally international institutions steal part of the aid or invest it in unimportant things such as campaigns

  4. People who have been victims of war or who have had to leave their homes should receive international aid, as well as countries that do not have access to education and also women who have suffered violence and who do not have access to sanitary elements since in many cases many women do not have access to sanitary towels and in many cases are sold and sexually exploited.

  5. I think that at the moment those who need help the most are those who have been victims of the Russian war against Ukraine, who have lost absolutely everything. And more generally, people who are poor, sick, or in need of education also deserve help.

  6. I think internacional aid would have to be given to the countries which their education, their health, their development, their help to the community and their quality life are at a very los level

  7. As we know this the help that we receive for another country but I have other thought. Obviously we are humans, we help each other but other countries help Colombia for example, because Colombia isn't able to help its poblation, It's a big problem when you need to receive atention to another country because your country can't help you, I'm in favor to continue with AID because obviously other countries are helping and I don't have anu problem with that, the problem is that we need to take care about our country and improve the aspects about, why our country can't help us.

  8. Who do you think must receive international aid?
    People in situation of risk must receive international aid, for example people in middle of the war, people who die of hungry, people in special conditions of handicap, old people who don´t have social guarantees. Children who have lost his families by different reasons. Community and the governments should guarantee people´ life.

  9. Rigth now there are a lot of peaple that needs help, a lot of it. But there are not enough resources and motivation to help every country and it's problems, so if you asked me who can benefit a lot with a inernational aid it will be those places where everything went wrong and chaos, anarchy and destruction where help is more need

  10. International aid should be directed to victims of natural disasters, people in conflict zones, extremely poor communities, regions facing health crises, and underdeveloped areas needing infrastructure and economic development. The aid should focus on immediate relief and long-term support, empowering local populations and promoting sustainable development to ensure lasting improvements.

  11. I think international aid should be focused just on people who situations that overcome them, like people who live in an area distroyed by natural causes, also the people who can not escape from a situation like a war, people in countries with strength political problems, and people who lack of basic resources and services like education health and food.


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