What's an event any person must go to?



  1. Salomé:

    The BTS Fanclub it’s a big gathering of K-Pop fans that Like BTS group. This is around the world but, you can find a locals clubs where you can attend them and enjoy an afternoon with people that share the same likes in music as you.

    There are numerous things that you can find interesting. For example, when I went to the pereira’s Fanclub, there they were giving you a gift of your favorite member of the group, additionally, they played the whole afternoon songs of the group and you could make karaoke with people that wanted to join you, witch let you make friend easily. Furthermore, they did activities where you had to make groups and create a choreography with an specific song. Thing that let you laugh until pee your pants because there were people that had two left feet. Finally, they give you food, another fan-made gift of the K-pop group and you can participate to win an album, witch ones are no cheap.

    In a Nutshell, whether I recommended the event, would be a positive answer, I would. This is a really good place where you can find new friends, have fun as you don’t imagine and also have gifts of your favorite band and might have lucky and bring with you at home an album completely free.

  2. Sarita:

    2 yeas ago, I did a NLP diploma course. NLP means "Neuro-Linguistic Programming"; which you can learn how to programing your speech to make everything you propuse, and everything you want to do. With this type of teaching you can have power about yourself, and your own thoughts; through practical and really simple strategies that are based on mental peace and healthy thoughts.

    When I did this course, I already had knowledge about this, because my mom was always instilling in me this method of language and I had already read books about this. But obviously that course made me get more into the topic, so actually I can say that this course is something everyone should do, and the reason is basically because the mental health is so important to be happy. This course offers you strategies to talk to yourself being gentle and accurate; one of the strategies was for example believe everything you said as long as that thinking adds to your life. In other hand, a special thing, is the whole process that is carried out to heal the wound and forgive.

    This course has something very important that you should take into account before entering, and that is that it's completely atheistic. In my case, that fact is good because I'm atheist and the course bases int the fact that just the science can tell us the truth, and that everything we can achieve is in our very powerful mind and nothing more than our mind can achieve our goals. That is basically what I think, so it's good for me. But I know this could be a disadvantage to religious people, so be careful.

    Finally, I would like to see everyone having a good mental health, knowing how to be respectful with themselves and achieving everything they set out with confidence in themselves. I absolutely recommend the NLP diploma course, to have a new awakening and empower with your thoughts.

  3. yipao review
    Every year in the month of October in Armenia Quindío a very special cultural event is held in the celebration of the Armenian holidays, which is called yipao because it is a parade of jeeps with different loads of Quindian crops, typical frets, etc. weeks ago the jeep drivers prepared very well for the parade
    It was on a tour of the main streets of Armenia that this cultural event took place, full of flavor, emotion, culture and, of course, fun on the part of the drivers, who make different maneuvers with the cars.
    When the parade started, all the people seemed very happy, most of the people were with their families enjoying themselves, there were also many children and pets
    I was also enjoying a lot, admiring the beauty of this parade, I did not want it to end, in my opinion everything ended very well, I recommend people to come and enjoy this yipao parade and get to know a little more about our culture, they will enjoy it a lot

  4. The lost City, knowing like Teyuna o Buritaca-200, it was an ancient Tayrona indigenous village and it is located in the southwest of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This a touristic place, is a large hiking
    To be able to arrive you need hiking a large and beautiful path, this hiking lasts about 4-6 days, this depends on your physical condition. there are stops at places on the trail, until you can reach the lost city.
    Along the path you will find slippery areas or very long and difficult climbs to walk, you will find waterfalls and places that are difficult to cross, but although it seems a challenge, it is one of the most beautiful places full of history that you should visit. The recommendations for this walk are mainly to go with a guide, there are tourist plans that you can buy, it is also necessary that you wear comfortable clothes, shoes suitable for the path and also go in summer because in winters the earth turns to mud and the roads become more difficult and dangerous
    Should you like nature, having challenges and challenges and knowing archaeologies and how they have influenced the history of a town, this plan will be for you, is a good plan to know beautiful places, rivers, waterfalls, animals and also you can know some indigenous near of the areas and the history about this place (this is a most important place in Colombia for its historical value ) and maybe you would can have a spiritual change in the midst of all the harmony of nature and sharing, leaving the routine and entering these lands, is a great experience.

  5. Everyone, as many as possible. Obviusly, if it is not of your interest, is better not to go, i think when is a new event out of your comfort zone, it is good to go, because you know new friends, taste in food, music, some deport or whatever. But in special i think the people should to go 2 important and funny events the firts, is a musical and dance, of any type(that they like), You feel free and the most important, very happy. And the other is Halloween, in my personal opinion, when i use a costume and I'm with my friends, i pass a incredible time, you no needed a big costume, the important is to enjoy.

  6. María Alejandra

    The book fair that takes place every 6 months in California is the right place for all lovers of reading who are looking for new adventures. Admission is free, you just have to be willing to find amazing stories on every booth.
    There were many things that I liked about the fair. First of all, the variety of books that you could find was incredible, since libraries and publishers from all over the world were invited. There were books in many languages, from different times, of all genres, of everything! In addition to that, a book signing was held with 5 of the most famous writers of the time.
    There were some problems in the organization of the booths. There was very little space to walk considering the number of people there were and the lines to be able to approach a booth or to the writers for the book signing were very long.
    This event is the perfect event for all people. You can find a place to feel comfortable regardless of age or likes. This is why all families, friends and couples love to attend. But it would be amazing if for the next book fair, the organizers took into account the number of people who could come to attend the event, so they can organized the booths in a way that people have space to walk. In conclusion, I am willing to recommend this event because it is an incredible experience and I am sure that book lovers will love it. Even with the problems that may exist, the full experience is worth living.

  7. Ukumarí Natural Park
    Ukumarí Natural Park is a large zoo sponsored by the Pereira´s government, and the admission is a lit expensive. The zoo is open every day since 9 am from 4 pm.
    There were a several thing that I liked about the zoo. First, the organization is good and we can see a huge sculptures about dinosaurs species like Rex and Giganotosaurus. In this place people usually take photos and make videos in front of theses giants. In the next section you can find de different places that have the park: mammals, reptiles, insects and other classifications.
    There were, however, a number of problems with the park. First, there were a larges lines to enter to the different sections of the park, about one hour to entry and explore each section. Second, the park was so crowded that it was hard to se some of the animals. Furthermore, some of the roads were still in construction and is dirty to walk through them. Finally, in my opinion the park needs more places to buy food, eat and rest. There were a few elder animals that need a different place to rest. I would also have liked to see more African animals like, leopards, cheetahs or hyenas. It would be interesting to know how the transport heavy animals like elephants or giraffes.
    Although a Natural Park in the middle of a medium city like Pereira is a very good idea, it´s essential for the organizers to consider how many people will attend a place like this. It´s also important for them to decide how many animal they can show through the day because they have a limit space and It´s a warm land. Finally, I would like to see them seek out different concepts on how animal nowadays should be have in places like this to not generated rejection from the public. In conclusion, I would be willing to recommend this place to my family and everyone to want share a nice time with their family.

  8. You must go to Ted Talks in your life because you can learn a lot of expreciences from other people and their lives. Sometimes  people think some speechs are very boring but tou can learn about life and how the people learn arround how the world works and how the experiences can change our life and our thougts. I consider all of speech are not to all type of people, so is necessary find a specific thing that you like or that you want to learn and look for people that can you help to give to you a different perspective of a specific topic.  You don´t need move from your house or buy books  because you can watch all on internet, you don´t have to pay for that and you can learn a lot. 

  9. Tomorrowland it's the top of places because as Ryan Castro would say there are levels of levels and in tomorrowland you can do whatever you want. The most famous singers, DJs, bands, artist in one place. The festival last 2 weeks in july and approximate 360k asist. The festival is celebrate in Boom, Belgium

  10. Hot springs in teh calera :it is a place where you can stay in glampings or normal rooms they have a pyramid that is aligned to the stars inside of them are the hot springs hya music food cocktails the experience is really good


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