What kind of people should be famous in your opinion?

 Write your opinion in the comments.


  1. People who give a positive message and seek people's progress, offering others motivation and inspiration to be better.

    Alejandro Mejía

  2. I believe that the people who should be famous are those who are authentic and who are proud of who they are and who do not want to pretend things they don't have. A lot of people are impressed with money and the things that other people do with money but a lot of people don't see what's behind it and that a lot of times a lot of things are not real. The people who should be famous are those who make art or inspire others to be more responsible, better people and better humans.

  3. Well, I think the people who should be famous are the people who have a lot of imagination and those who knows how to keep his/her/their fans standing here, like just expecting what will come on the next single, album, movie, etc.
    Also, who give money (that the get from being famous) to foundations and that kind of things, and step by step become more important in the industry that he/she/they are working.

  4. Seeing the apparently easy way to reach the fame nowadays, the most of people think that it is really easy. A very bad singer is becoming multimillionaire, a stupid influencer is in the conversation of a lot of people, a beautiful bad actress wins an oscar. But behind of all theese "miracles" there are a lot of dark hidden interests involved and I think nobody wants to pay such price.

    Maria Paula Velasquez

  5. I think that the people who should be famous are those who have that human side towards other people, someone who knows the positive value of being famous and having money to help others.

  6. I believe that any person or group that wants to do something good and correct for others, for the world, for the environment, for animals, for art, science, etc. Could be it.
    I do not agree with giving fame and publicity to many people who only harm other people or do not contribute anything good to the world.

  7. I believe that that any person that contributes to the world with his/ her habilities should be famous, the people that show us the best part of this world and who can tell us that we can be succesful doing wright things. A lot of times we see people who doesn´t care about the others but I think that a good famous person it does, that is the kind of person who shoulb be famous for me.

  8. The people who should be famous are those who are successful in their professions or companies, who generate a social impact and who generate a high-value proposition.

    Erika Duque

  9. I think that people that can be famous is people that make something really important in the society and become popular and recognized around the wrls and make a important social impact

    Santiago B

  10. for me those who should be famous are those who attribute and contribute to the world, independent that they have a career or not, the ones who help the poor families and childs, who are interested in the enviroment and in the entire planet, not only "influencers" that do gossips and polemic

  11. I think, people should be famous are those who motivate to others to be better every day. They should be are those who help to others, they should have a good influence and make good contributions on society.
    Xiomara Agudelo.

  12. What kind of people should be famous in your opinion?

    I think the people who should be famous are those who bring something real and honest to the table, who care about things that affect everyone, and who make their audience aware instead of making them ignorant.

  13. I think that the people that should be famous are those that inspire in all the ways, that their words can inspire the other people to do things for the greater good, themselfs and their future

  14. I believe that the people who should be famous should be aspirational and the only ones who can show who they are. It is important that dedicated people who strive to improve their work no matter what they are can also be famous.

  15. For me the people that should be famous, are those kind of person that can be sensitive with their audience. Also the people who can be very dedicate to what they are doing.

  16. In my opinion the kind of people that should be famous, are the people that give us a lot of information no the normal gossip influencer, information about our world, the environment, the interesting people, the people who talk about a healthy mind.

  17. i think that the people who should be famous are people who contribute something positive, who teach young people and who do not use social media to show an unreal and impossible lives to be taken as an example, o show the reality

  18. I think that the people who should be famous are those who have good things to offer others, since they are people who have some control and influence over other people. They must be people with a good heart who can help others and motivate them to chase their goals.

  19. In my opinion who deserves to be famous is who has done, or has been doing something really invaluable for the society, no matter what area of knowlege, culture, sport, etc is.

  20. In my opinion, a famous person can be someone who helps us in a positive way, giving us advice and showing us lessons from real life and not a fake life that is shown on social networks.

  21. I think that the people can influence in a lot communities, don't care what is the influence, the most important point is the how big is the influence.

  22. I think that real people, regardless of the type of content they make, show themselves in such a way that they make us understand that we are all imperfect and different and that this is what makes us unique, that we should not compare ourselves and that the most important thing is be our best version.

  23. Form me being famous is about understanding that they wont be normal agin and becoming a public figure one that can afect people minds in a lot of ways some that can be harmful to others the beings that understand these concept are the ones that can be famous because they will become a positive change and not a negative one.

  24. Hello!
    The concept of being famous is a little difficult to understand. Society has created a concept that only harms us, to be famous is to have a lot of money and belong to another social class. In my opinion this has made young people not to care about their dreams and want to be like those people, which is sometimes unrealistic.
    As a human being, I dream of a new concept of being famous and I believe that only those people who support the community, who are an example to follow, who promote a new society, who allow many young people to achieve their dreams, should be famous. Being famous should mean being a good person and loving the environment.
    For me being famous should be an opportunity to contribute and not be selfish, to promote love and not hate, to generate solutions to social problems. Being famous should be a tool.

    Thank you.

  25. I think people who make a positive impact on the world often deserve fame. This can include those who contribute to science, art, humanitarian efforts, and social justice. For example, someone who advances medical research, creates inspiring art, or searches for important social causes can make a significant difference. Fame should ideally highlight those who improve the lives of others, rather than just those who are famous for fame’s sake.


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