What do you think are the disadvantages of a city with a lot of development?



  1. Mainly, pollution can be the main disadvantage on the other hand a city with great development can improve many things, currently technology is advancing too fast, and it is possible that a city will have a great development in the next 5 years.

  2. I think that one of the most important disadvantages is the absence of nature and the increase in pollution levels because the constructions pollute the environment a lot, and also limit the contact with nature, generating more pollution, higher levels of stress and also affecting the animals.

  3. It is complicated, but I think that the main problem is the pollution emitted by the number of cars there are, perhaps in the future with the different regulations and agreements that are being made in the world about electric cars, this will change a little but the factories and oil industries are still 90% of the problem, perhaps also traffic jams and different problems due to the amount of population that may exist in the city

  4. a disadvantage could be the loss of nature, this could bring bad consequences because i think that taking care of the environment is very necessary. A city that is so developed in a technological way will never bring good consequences, because it could be very polluted even if we do not see it. I think it is better that it is developed in another way.

  5. I have never had a problem with a city, country or world with alot of depelopment, but I have had the problem with humans, that's the big problem, we always have the desire to have the control, have a lot of money, have a lot of fame, etc, but humans are disgusting. If we have technology to do anything our ambitions will start to damage everything because we are enough intelligents to create everything but we aren't enough intelligents to create a perfect society, a society with a lot of technology obviously, we can, but a fair and understanding society, never, unfortunately...

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  7. There are many posibilities about changing of the cities despite the weather has been shifting crucially even thought that it may be to advantage because scientists can discover a new form of take care the enviroment it will be throw of the use of new tecnology. But it will be to support mainly by the government moreover, they might create a new laws all focused on the use of natural resources, returning what was taken so that the human survives as a result we will have a carry on quiet life in conclution we have a resposability of leave a hard resources for our future generation but this purposes are achive if all world contribute for achiving the change.

  8. For example, if the city is very big it means that a lot of people would go to that city and will start doing a lot of pollution harming nature in the process. And speaking of nature, the city would need to expand itself to allow more people to reside in it, destroying more habitats and forcing animals from the area to migrate. And other problems that I couldn't think right now.

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  10. the problems with an overdeveloped city can be two, the first one, that a lot of development cause a lot of polution and contamination when extracting natural resources for the city subsistence. The sencond problem is about how people will not know a lot of basic things and will have to overespecializate to fullfil the city needs, knowing just about one thing and nothing of the others.


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