What can be considered art in your opinion?

 * Use www.vocaroo.com to record an audio with your answer.


  1. For me, art is expressing what you feel at each moment in different ways, expressing what something suggests to you or simply enjoying doing any action that makes sense to you. Art is usually associated only with painting, sculpture and the like, when art is something that moves a lot more.
    Thanks to this generalization, people often think that an artist only paints, when there are other forms of expression such as drawing, Art expresses perceptions and sensations that human beings have that are not explained in any other way.
    For me, art is a way of expressing the exclusive freedom of the human being.
    Art is opinion, beauty and everything you want it to be. It is the good and also the bad

  2. For me is the creation of something without words, something that speaks to people. In my opinion art is a language of its own. We see art everyday but how we see it 's different.

  3. Good evening, I am Alejandro Martínez Baena.
    That's a hard question but I'll do my best to explain it as good as I can.
    Art for me is a way to express your feelings or your thoughts however you want, namely, through music, painting, writing a poem or a book, among other forms, however, it has to be done in a rationalized way, I mean, you can't came up with a banana stuck on a wall and consider it as an artwork, or saying that bad bunny's songs are art, come on!. There are way better artists that are underestimated and not being recognized for their work, a good and hard work. What a pity! In these days real art is going to the trash, and the trash is being considered art. So, my point is that you can do those things but they have to have a meaning, a valid meaning, something that catch people attention because it helps to improve in someway, something that gives you hope, happiness, comfort, makes you think, something that makes you move on with this tough life.

  4. Hello, there is the audio:

  5. My vocaro link: https://voca.ro/175N9Cn3qkn5

  6. For me art is a way of expression, a way to express our fellings, our talent, our thoughts or ideas. I do not always understand art but i think is cool that some people feel a conection or a pasion for art, they create and innovate, they comunicate through their paintings. For me art, is a piece, a painting , sculpture that causes emotions, that transmit a message, of course  the message can be different for each one of us, it depends on the observer what he perceives of the image. That is the beauty of art.

  7. Art, could be different ways of expression of a person, through painting, crafts, molding or building something. It is something difficult to describe, since every human being is unique and we all have different talents and abilities. Some of us develop them more than others, but in general the goal is to try to express our essence in each work we want to show to the audience.


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