If you walk under a ladder, you'll have bad luck!


*Write your opinion down below!


  1. I was reading on the internet and many say that it is in the belief of the ancient Egyptians that a triangle is a sacred shape. A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle and the Egyptians considered this shape to be sacred, as can be seen, for example, in the pyramids. For them, the triangles represented the trinity of the gods and if one passed underneath one could see a god or goddess ascending or descending, which could infuriate them greatly.
    Christians, on the other hand, believe that the number three is sacred because of the Holy Trinity and because of the triangle shape. If you walk under a ladder that leans against a wall, it means you break the Holy Trinity, which is considered a crime and attracts the devil into your life.
    I feel this is false but there are many people who do believe it to be true and put things in place to break this weird myth, such as:

    1. Make a wish while walking under the stairs.

    2. Walking backwards under the ladder.

    3. Say "bread and butter" as you walk under the ladder.

  2. I read the first comentary, and leanerd more about that believe. Well is the first time that I read something similar,I never had the oportunity to learned that. because of in my family, they dont believe in supertitions, so, in my personal case I learned the supertitions when I was a teenager and that was very strange and funny to me.
    It's for this reason that my opinion is that walking under a ladder are not going to happen anything. But it's better for you mind don't do it because maybe you are going to think that yes, and them if something bad happens you are going to think that it happened for walking under a ladder. By: Vanessa Tatis

  3. Personally I don’t think so, in my opinion "bad luck" is just an explanation that we humans seek for the "bad things" that happen to us. "Bad luck" is just an insipid factor in life; good and bad things happen to all of us and that reality cannot be changed.

    I also believe in the law of attraction, where you yourself create your reality and your actions depend on how you live. For example, if you get psyched that you’re going to be hurt on a test, chances are you will be because you attract that energy and if you attract it it will come. Also if you see problems and bad experiences as "something bad" and not as a new learning, you are doing something wrong; because probably if you do this you will also give more importance to "the bad" and not to the good. This will make you feel unsuccessful, bad, or something. You’ll be afraid to do something "unlucky" and bring more fear and misconceptions into your life.

    Depend to you, how you see life and how you see the opportunities life gives you, how you will live. If you are not able to accept that you are also human and live "bad experiences" and that this is why "your bad luck", you will not be able to live your life in peace.

    Laura Rojas.

  4. I think that is false, never in my life i thougth or believe in that, it does not make sense for me, what a ladder has to do with my luck?. Of course i respect people's opinions and believes but this is a hard one for me, i don´t find the sence in that myth. Also, I don´t think there is a bad luck or a good luck, situations happen and all of us have experience bad times and good times in our lifes.

  5. The idea that going under a ladder brings bad luck is considered cultural superstition, but there's really no logical connection between going under a ladder and luck. It is important to remember that superstitions are simply beliefs without scientific foundation and have no real impact on everyday life.


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