How often is it good to get out of your comfort zone?

 * Write your answer down below.


  1. It is always good to get out of our comfort zone, I think that all of us at some point in our lives have to do it, risk new experiences, whenever we feel stuck, whether at work, relationship, study is a sign to get out of our comfort zone.

  2. As much as we want to be in a comfort zone, there is always going to be something that doesn't make us get out of it. It is good from time to time to get out of our comfort zone since in this way we learn to live experiences independently and to pretend our mistakes so that we can jump over obstacles that are presented to us in our day to day life.

  3. I think ever, because when you get used to do the same things all the time you don't have space to be creative and analyse other important things. You can grow when the circumstances are not good for you, when you are comfortable in a place or with a thing, you don'd need to do something because for you is not essential, but when something is not going well or you don't have something you can find some interesting and creative ways to solve a problem, you don't learn so much in your comfort zone because there you don't need anything.

  4. i think it´s always good to get out of our comfort zone, because this can help us to find more thinks that we can like, meet new people, and do other kind of activites than the ones that we´re used to. In my opinion, it´s really great to get out of it even if we are scared or afraid to try something new because of the consequences that this may have.

  5. Is something necessary, in any aspect you have to take a risk, in a competion or in a business, when you try to know someone, in any aspect you have to take a risk, a big risk or a little risk but you have to take it, the thing is not just take a risk, is take a risk with your desire to have a god result and obviously you have to learn that when you are risking something you are in a double face, 50% win or 50% false, everything depends in how you maneged everything to increase that percent to win and how you decrease the percen to lose

  6. I believe that when you are for a long time in your comfort zone we get used to our environment and due to this when an unexpected situation arrived at our lives many times, we do not know what to do, or how to manage the situation. I must accept that I am not good at taking risk or going out of my comfort zone, but recently I have been trying to go out of my save zone and doing my best in the process to be more prepared to deal with the life in general.

  7. I think that the best option is take a risk and you get out of the comfort zone instead, you will discover your new skills that perhaps you did not know moreover, you would find a better opportunities for improving your style of life because it is part of the process to take advantage that this moment offert . In addition you should not be conformist and you should look an another oportunity to amply your perception and you can be a person with amazing histirys that you can say and you smiled of the all crazy aventures that you had enjoyed in your gorgeous life.

  8. Usually is good to go get out to your conford zone, is not bad to have one but if you spend most of your time in it, you should consider to get out, specially when you conford zone is to be alone, because the being humans is a social being, so you should consider to have social relationships to avoid mental health issues, the same way if your conford zone is to be in social groups you should spend time with yourself, to know about you, and know what do you like and what not, so in general you should try something new and go out od your conford zone.

  9. The confort zone is a place where we can be relaxed because we already understand what is happening inside of it. But it is necessary to step out of it to experience the world, chaotic, weird and a little dangerous but beautiful, breathtaking and amazing as it is. Because it will help a lot in the times of great need, it can be scary but it is necessary.

  10. Stepping out of your comfort zone regularly is beneficial for personal growth and development. While the frequency can vary depending on individual goals and circumstances, aiming to challenge yourself at least once a month can be a good starting point. This could involve trying a new hobby, taking on a new responsibility at work, or engaging in activities that push your limits. Regularly stepping out of your comfort zone helps build resilience, adaptability, and confidence, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and dynamic life.

  11. I do not think you have to stay always out of your comfort zone but sometimes. Yes, being out of your comfort zone gives you a lot of oportunities, but this can be very stessful for some people and reduce their eficence and their confidence, so I recomend to take it easy and take breaks when you need it. This does not mean that you dont have to do it.


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