Has the perception of good taste evolved or regressed over the years? Write your opinion in the comments!



  1. the perception of good taste has evolved over the years, the times have changed and so it will continue to be, things that before was nice and beautiful, now we consider them ugly and boring and it is just because people change, technology is better every year, fashion and clothes are different and more and more there are new dishes to try, for that is the perception of good taste evolved and will continue to evolve

  2. For me, the sense of taste shapes who we are, for example Each child goes through phases as the brain matures and the neural networks that shape perception and behavior grow, such as the development of creativity
    Taste has been a determining factor in the critical exercise, I think that if it has evolved, for example, good taste in clothes evolves more and more because throughout the nineteenth century trade became more widespread.

  3. I think that it doesn't consist in if it has evolved or regressed, each era, each generation has had its style and that's fine, maybe people from other times feel dissatisfied with the taste of our generation, or vice versa. What I mean is that at the moment it is what is used and it is the coolest thing for the people who use it, also, lately styles from previous times have been copied, so I could not say if there has been an evolution or not. I believe that everything is a matter of taste and of course respecting the tastes of other people.

    Stefany Taba M. - Advanced A

  4. To pigeonhole the taste that is handled now in a simple "what is now is better" is to ignore all the context that was handled and that was illustrated in previous years.

    Good taste is nothing more than a superstition of a few over the years, we do not take into account what has happened. A simple "bad taste" is nothing compared to the gray areas of life.

  5. For me, the perception of good taste has evolved over time constantly, people change their opinion and taste frequently, so the perception of good taste depends on each person and their tastes.

  6. For me, the perception of good taste has evolved over the years, since currently comfort, aesthetics are sought through originality and innovation, little by little new fashions are developed that are usually better in the eyes of the person although from time to time there is a crazy idea that is in another wave to our good taste, however in general I could say that it has evolved.

  7. I think that society's good taste over the past few years have become worst than ever, today it is consider fashion wearing a pant or shirt with a bunch of holes, the music nowadays is tacky, especially reggaeton or latino trap, and it seems that no one cares about the lyrics' meaning, or the impact that could have on kids. Moreover, the development of new social media such as TikTok has showed me how crazy is the world now, there is not a good taste of humor, it is repetitive and at the end, it is just a waste of time. Written by Alejandro Martínez Baena (Advanced A)

  8. I think that the perception of the good taste has evolved because each day the people can research or look for some new flavor with vegetables, animals, fungi and minerals so I believe that the good taste is relative, it depend of the place because in the Orient people eat food very different to the people that live in Occident and depend of the culture, your family, your customs. Sebastian Peña

  9. I think that the perception of taste in some cases does not evolve to, we are the ones who evolved, when we were children we liked to do things very different from what we do now, for example now surely we do not like to play with toys whereas before it was what we always did.
    This means that for each age or time there are different tastes.

    But it can also be said that it evolves because now people do not like music, they are beautiful, sentimental letters or that they leave us a teaching, there are also many young people who do not do things because they believe that it is out of fashion.
    in that case if it can be said that the perception of taste evolves

  10. Samantha Giraldo Marin: In my opinion, the perception of taste has evolved over the years, because we acquire more and more food, there is more creativity in human beings, and a greater development of their tastes, including taste. Different cultures have a large number of dishes that humans have been able to enjoy. For me, good taste has evolved through the experience and approval of new dishes, new flavors. It only depends on the person who is determined to experience or taste foods different from the everyday ones.

  11. laura gomez villada: in think that the perception of good taste has envolved over the years, thecnology advances every day and new theories and advances appear that change the way that people think. very day people know or learn something new and this can to improve and help in many things.

  12. i think the perception of the good taste has regressed because most of the people in our case latin america we dont have that thing of the good taste if the people who have it tries to do a change they are minority and the people dont let to chage their own way of think so i think the past generations were good and better than us.

  13. Juan Andres Lopez: The perception of good taste, in my opinion remains the same regardless of the passing of the years, what has changed a lot is the food, since before we used to eat much more at home and healthy, now junk food is something very normal.

  14. The concept of good taste is generally shared among members of the same society but it can vary because of factors like religion, generations, socioeconomic status, etc. but generally the perception of degrading good taste depends on how conservative or liberal are you.

  15. I tought that it depends of the context, the fashion sense has changed by the time, before peowas really disgusting to see people with tatoos and piercings. Nowadays it is really common, however it is a good taste? I believe that is personal and is cojoined with every personal taste.
    On the other hand I believe the globalization lead to people to start to prove different tastes ans flavors because today you can prove food from several countries in local restaurants.

  16. I think that the good taste has evolved in different ways, about the good taste in clothes I think it is relationated with the opinion of each person, maybe you can prefer blue but other person can prefer purple and not only the colour, otherwise the form and the type of outfit. you can see it with the people who prefer wear as a person in the '80s comparing with the people who prefer wear as in this century. in the other side, about the food it also change depend of the person and their tastes and like this in all the aspects. Everything change.

    Camilo Ruiz Advanced A

  17. I think that the perception of good taste is envolved because nowdays we know that there are 6 types of flavors (bitter, salty, sweet, sour, pungent, spicy and umami). However, in the past our ancestors had to learn about the risks for surviving, so I consider that they had to use more their senses.

  18. Personally, I believe that the perception of good taste has evolved since previously it was more instinctive as a survival method, now it is really done for pleasure, that is, not only to satisfy a basic need, but to learn and try new things, include methods in the kitchen, new ingredients and enjoy the experience of cooking and eating delicious. Before it was just not to die, now sharing a plate of food is saving a moment, having the people we love close, feeling comfortable in the place we are, that the meals not only taste delicious, but also be aesthetic. Until now, everything has had an evolution, from crops, to how we cook and serve food, so if I think we all care more about food being tasty and looking good. Maria Camila Moreno.

  19. For my part, I believe that the perception of good taste has changed over the years, due to the fact that the human being finds new needs to meet and also new fashions arise that, thanks to social networks, become viral, causing more and more many people find out and begin to change their tastes in different contexts such as musicals, clothes, among others.

    Something that is currently happening is that fashions from a few years ago are re-emerging, and the younger population enjoys using them.

    Maria Camila Betancur Betancur - adults advance A intensive nights

  20. The reality is that taste hasn’t always been as democratic or individually evolving as it might have seemed. Where once our understanding of good taste was dictated by society and fashion in which culture was distributed to us.

  21. I think that good taste is a very subjective opinion since one should not say that something is in good or bad taste based on the opinion of people, on feelings or inclinations, good taste changes as time goes by and New fashions arrive but it doesn't mean it's better or worse, it just changes.

  22. I think that the perception of good taste has evolved over the years because society has created new foods, over the years people have discovered new textures, flavors, colors, etc. We start mixing different flavors to create complex dishes, some people are very creative and make their own recipes, there are more ways to cook food, etc.

  23. The perception of good taste has neither advanced nor fallen, it has only changed, because they are different times, with different mentalities where the good of this time is different from the good of another time, so good taste has neither improved nor worsened. In the same way it is important to respect that some people now like the things of other days because they have different tastes to us but similar to those of that time and those thoughts.

  24. In my opinion the perception of good taste change,i can sai that is evolving because the people some years ago have a diferent eprception,and this perception is changing every day ,the good taste of today can be irrelevant in the future ,every generation try new things like creating complex dishes ,find new flavors,,etc.Mix different flavors and create new dishes,i think to find new things can be difficult but the actual generation can try different combiantions and create new taste.

  25. In my personal opinion the perception of good taste has been changing over the years, it could be for fashioning their style or for using clothes that are on top. The good taste even could be a person who is wearing an old outfit which gives comfort to him or her, so, it depend on the people's opinion.


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