Do you think it is our responsibility as a society to help homeless people have better lives?


  1. We can say, yes, but we don't have to give them all in their hands, we must create opportunities for them to improve their ecónomy, just like all of us take the time for trying to be rich or just to get some money, so I think it would not be appropriate to give all to them, or giving things without any efforts. Anyway, it's important to change everything just by giving opportunities and helping to continue that new life, without discrimination.

  2. I think that yes, we are all human beings that at any time we can go through need and the help of other people would be very important for one, that is why as a society we should help more people who need it, leave aside selfishness and have a little heart for those people who have a more difficult life than ours.

  3. I consider that you could give a hand and collaborate with those people who are homeless, however it is not our responsibility because in some cases we do not have enough money to help these types of people, it would be best to be able to help everyone but we are short of money and there are some people who are not at all interested in what happens outside on the streets and what these people suffer. in the end it would be very good to help.

  4. I think there are unfortunate situations that can lead anyone to be homeless, some people lose their jobs, get sick and cannot pay their medical bills; there is an unimaginable number of situations that can lead to that tragic scenario, our family member could suffer from drugs addiction or alcohol abuse and could end up in the streets. For all the reason above, we should all have empathy with homeless people and try to help them as much as we can.

  5. I think that as a society we have to look for eachother, especially for those who are in need because some of these people didn't have the posibillity of a better life conditions, other have lost ther way and they are wandering just trying to survive. Humanity need to look for those in need and help them regain control of their life.


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