Do you think animals are self-aware or just instinctive beings? How do they use their brains?


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  2. i think tha animals are instinctive because animals dont know what is good or bad, in the case of pets in special cats and dogs learn what humans teach at home. And the other animals learn to survive and they adapt to the environment, they live depending on they daily needs. Animals have sense and feelings similar like humans but cant understand some things that need logical reason.

  3. In the case of pets, I think they are instinctual beings since their behavior often depends on the way the owner raises them. And the other animals live according to the adaptation they need to be able to live in that environment. I think that animals do have feelings since many times you can hear them crying or you can see them act in an unusual way, which means that something happened to them or they feel something

  4. i think they are so intelligent

  5. Samantha Giraldo: In my opinion animals don't think, they act on instinct, they just have impulses and emotions so they can feel and hear but they don't understand many things and they don't have an animal language where they can communicate with others of their species, they only produce sounds and receive noise. Its behaviour or personality depends on how it is raised, as a stray dog is not going to be the same as a purebred dog that has already been adopted. They are intelligent and know how to defend themselves, but they are not guilty of accidents either as they do not think about it or feel guilt, they only cause actions by intuition. they are instinctive beings.

  6. Juan Andrés López: I believe that many animals do have self-awareness, but they use their brains to a lesser extent, mostly for basic things like eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping, feeling. Even though animals are unable to do things like us humans, they can be more skilled in different areas of daily life, for example: dogs can hear better, eagles can see better, etc.

  7. I think not ALL animals have a very developed consciousness but a lot of them do, our thoughts are obviously not of the same kind but they exist, a good example are pets, most of us can vouch for the reality of the love our pets feel for us, how they miss us or even how they feel guilt when they do something bad.

  8. I think it is 50/50, a part of them is self-aware because for example they know when an action deserves a punishment or an award. Also, they know when their owner is sad, or happy, or angry. Following these feelings, the pet or animal will know how feel himself. By the way, we cannot forgive their instinctives, basically, they follow their survival and reproduction instinctives, this is inevitable, but is not all the time, I think it is something secondary. Sure, all the animals are different, there are ones that let the instinctives as a priority, but there are ones that don't do that. That's my opinion

    Camilo Ruiz Advanced A

  9. I think the Animals have the ability to think, because they know when they are in danger and what is the necessary to survive, for example some animals make sounds to communicate or warn to other animals, also they know what to eat and what not whit a special method, monkeys use sticks to find worms, bugs or ants to eat, pelicans hunt fishes whit their mouth.

    The Animals feel and express pain, when a baby pig is separate from his mother, the baby make a sound expressing pain and sadness also the elephants when hunters cut their horns.

  10. I think they have self-aware because almost all animals brains have the same basic parts. All animals can move, think and perceive the world around them. We are humans and we are animals too, so it is the same for us. Maybe their cerebral cortex is smaller and it changes some skills, for examples cats can see better than humans or dogs can smell better than humans, but it doesn't mean that some are better than others, just that our development has been different.

  11. I think that animals are only instinctive beings, it´s true that they have many abilities and that they are animals like us. But, although they can feel, love and have basic needs, what differentiates us from them, and from being aware that we are part of the world is something in our brain, called the cerebral cortex and it´s much more developed than that of animals, This makes humans able to learn, think and make decisions, that is, we have superior executive functions. I think that animals react instinctively to situations, that is, they act completely from a high emotional charge, on some occasions when there are sudden movements or loud sounds, they get scared and in this way they look for a way to flee, this is also we can see when someone shows them love or gives them food and they act in a good way, or when someone attacks them and they defend themselves or get angry.

  12. I think that animals generally act by instinct, since the rest of the living beings, unlike human beings, are not rational, they do not have the ability to think and make decisions like us, they act according to their needs, if they are thirsty, their brain will make them look for water, etc.

  13. i think animals do think maybe not most of the time cause in some cases they use their instinct this could be for example when they see something and they feel trapped. Animals are so smart they may be not be understood by humans but sometimes the pet knows when the human needs help or something.

  14. I think animals are simply instinctive beings, that's why they can feel the way we feel and help us. maybe, but they don't think for themselves, they know that there are things that are good because they get used to them, but not because they themselves know, although maybe they have a different intelligence than us.

  15. One of the most interesing things to think about is the perception and function of the animal brain, in all the cases, the animals have instinctive behaviours almost involuntary, that preserve the specie, but in the domestic animals, the behaviour was modified to follow patterns and instructions given by humans, maybe, as a part of evolution and adopted by de domestic animals as a primary behaviour to survive


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